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Faculty Resources

The following resources have been compiled for your convenience to assist with course preparation, research and student support.

We would like this webpage to be as useful as possible; should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Academic Support Officer.

Faculty Relations Office

[email protected]

Faculty Handbook

The Faculty Manual was designed with two purposes in mind: 1) To orient new faculty to Algoma University; and 2) Provide information that is important for faculty success on an ongoing basis.

Contained within these pages is information regarding departments, teaching, policies and procedures, resources, university personnel and more. Please note that this manual is intended for use as a general reference rather than the official source of University policies and guidelines.

Account Forms

The Accounting Forms Tool can be found on the Employee Portal and it is aimed at easing the process of obtaining accounting forms when submitting for university-related purchases and travel.

Annual Submissions

Department Chairs will submit the following to their Faculty Chairs by June 30th each year:

Each Faculty and Librarian Member is required to submit, each year by June 30th, the following to [email protected]:


OPSEU Local 685 – Full Time – Collective Agreement

18:01   Vacation for Faculty

The academic year shall normally be from July 1st to the subsequent June 30th.  Members are entitled to twenty-two (22) vacation days per academic year, payment for which is included in the annual salary. The Dean’s Office must be advised of all members’ holiday plans by July 1 of each year.

18:02   Faculty members shall arrange their vacation period(s) in consultation with their Divisional Chair, and librarian members with the University Librarian. Every effort shall be made to comply with academic staff requests in scheduling vacations, with due regard to the continued effective functioning of the instructional programme and the needs of the students.

There shall be no additional remuneration to a member who chooses to work through all or part of his or her vacation. A member is required to take his or her vacation in the year that it is earned and during a non-teaching term. No vacation leave may be carried forward from year to year.