ARTifacts Afternoon: Watercolour
Join us Thursday virtually via zoom for a relaxing afternoon of creativity, self-discovery and cultural connection!
The ARTifacts fall series is a collaboration between the Sault Ste. Marie Museum ( and The ArtSpeaks Project ( to foster holistic wellbeing through art and heritage for students on campus.
- Please use link to register via zoom
- Those who already received an art kit from one of our previous sessions will be able to use the watercolours, markers and paper.
- Folks joining us without an art kit are encouraged to collect sketching/watercolour paper, washable markers, steeped tea / coffee or fruits and if you have it watercolour paint (tube/tray)
- Students who register/attend the event will also receive a free art kit(*) and gift card!
(*) one art kit per student for the duration of the program, while supplies last.
How to Join on Zoom? Click the link below!
Topic: ARTifacts Afternoon: Watercolour
Time: Nov 18, 2021 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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