AUSU Game Night
AUSU is hosting Game Night! Join us for Deal or No Deal and For the First Time Ever JackBox TV Games.
There are tons of prizes to be won and students can join us to watch their peers play or play themselves from almost any device.
This event will be taking place in person and virtually via zoom! In Person Tickets are restricted for Algoma University Students ONLY, and are very limited in supply so be sure to reserve your free ticket through Eventbrite before they are gone.
If you are studying remotely or unable to attend in person do not worry you can still join in via zoom
Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89073911060?pwd=SFhjeU1tUlpmTUxCYWgxY3hQTXFXdz09
Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ausu-game-night-tickets-119526989443