Book Launch: Annie Wenger-Nabigon: Enough Light for the Next Step
Enough Light for the Next Step tells the story ofhow a middle-aged woman from the UnitedStates met her husband Herb Nabigon,Anishinabe elder and social work professor,and came to live in Northern Ontario. AnnieWenger-Nabigon shares the Oji-Cree teachingsher late husband wanted to pass on and theprinciples they lived their lives by.
Annie Wenger-Nabigon, Ph.D., is a retired therapistand social work educator. She was born inmountainous southern territory of the Osage Peoples(northcentral Arkansas), the oldest child of Mennonitemedical missionaries, and spent most of herchildhood years in a Mennonite community inLancaster, Pennsylvania, the traditional territory of theSusquehannock Peoples. Between the beginning ofher story and the current time, she has traveled acrossmany territories, borders and boundaries, alwayslearning, always finding the Light. She is a dual citizenof Canada and the United States, honoring her familyon all sides of the borders. She currently resides inSault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Book Launch will be a hybrid event: In person will be in the Doc Brown Lounge, and if joining virtually please register through Eventbrite at