Consent is Mandatory Bingo!
An education based event on the concept of consent and safe sex practices in the fun and interactive game play environment of Bingo!
Lots of facts to Learn and Prizes to be Won!
This event will be taking place in person and virtually via zoom! In Person Tickets are restricted for Algoma University Students ONLY, and are very limited in supply so be sure to reserve your free ticket through Eventbrite before they are gone.
If you are studying virtually or unable to attend in person do not worry you can still play bingo and join in via zoom
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82087403338?pwd=eTZwbkM4VXViWXpyTzBnQ0JDM1NQQT09
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/consent-is-mandatory-bingo-tickets-119331173753