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Examining Access to Mental Health Care Service: The Impact of Covid-19 on Filipino Health Care Workers in Northern Ontario; Dr. Rose Ann Torres

This study will build on the literature that examines the structural employment conditions that underlie access and barriers to mental health services and social support for Filipino immigrants in Canada. This study will also provide innovative contributions to research on how culture influences coping strategies and preferences for mental health supports. While a substantial body of research has examined how Filipino healthcare professionals cope with work stresses, fewer studies focus on how the interaction of culture and working conditions influences how they seek support for mental health issues and stresses. This information is essential in the design and implementation of culturally appropriate interventions, which can inform and improve access to mental health services and support utilization. The findings from this research will provide several implications for healthcare practice, service delivery, intervention, and policy. Results from this study will be beneficial to: (i) healthcare administrators in hospitals and long-term care facilities who hire and manage immigrant and racialized healthcare workers; (ii) health professionals and educators who design and implement mental health education and health promotion interventions in workplaces; (iii) community organizations; and (iv) immigration institutions and officials.

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Apr 06 2022


10:30 am - 11:30 am
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