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International Experiential Learning Opportunity: Info Session

Learn more about an International Experiential Learning Opportunity that happening during the 2020 February Reading week! This staff and faculty-led program, organized by the Experiential Learning Hub is scheduled from February 15-19, 2020 at Emory & Henry College, VA, USA.

During this program students will be attending a course on Appalachian Studies. Students will also have the opportunity to learn and discuss with the host professor and local students in the course on Public Movements, Social, and Cultural Change and Civic Engagement. Various social events are also scheduled during the day and evening with faculty, students, staff, and community partners such as the Cherokee native American community and Appalachian Center for Civic Life. A detailed schedule will be available at a later date.

All students are eligible to apply, with a maximum of ten students to be chosen to participate. All students must have a valid passport or Status Card at the time of application. However, due to additional visa requirements to the US entry, this program is only available to students who are either Canadian or a Permanent Resident of Canada. Funding is available to cover some travel expenses.

The information session is scheduled for Friday, November 29th at 1PM in EW205. Lunch is provided!

Please RSVP at the below:


Questions? Contact Eunjung Riauka, Coordinator, Global Engagement & Mobility at [email protected].

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Nov 29 2019


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


EW 205
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