International Women’s Day
Please Welcome: Charo Mina Rojas, Afrocolombian Territorial and Human Rights, Gender and Peace Activist and Dr. Sheila Gruner, CESD Professor
The “Havana Peace Accords” recently signed in Colombia include an Ethnic Chapter achieved by the Ethnic Commission for Peace and Defense of Territorial Rights, representing Indigenous and Afrocolombian communities and their collective territories. Racialized communities, and women in particular, have been disproportionately affected by violence, displacement and the internal armed conflict in Colombia, yet have been playing a pivotal role in peaceful resistance and social mobilization, the construction of peace and in building alternatives to conflict-ridden development, based on cultural concepts of “good life”, including Buen Vivir and Ubuntu.
Canada, and Algoma University have been invited to accompany the implementation of peace accords in Indigenous and Afrodesdendent collective territories over the next three years. Come and join Charo and Sheila to hear about Indigenous and Afrocolombian women’s efforts and developments in the peace process.
The book “Des/DIBUJANDO EL PAIS/aje: Aportes para la paz con los pueblos afrodescendientes e indigenas: Territorio, Autonomia y Buen Vivir” [Blurring/Drawing the Landscape/Country, Contributions to Peace with Afrodescendent and Indigenous peoples: Territory, Autonomy and Good Life] will be launched at the event.
This event is taking place in NW200. This event brought to you by the CESD Program, the Teaching & Learning Fellowship, Sociology Dept and:
Sheila Gruner, PhD
Department Chair, Community Development and Social Work
Associate Professor, Community Economic and Social Development (CESD)
Algoma University
1520 Queen Street E
Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 3Y1
(705) 949-2301 ext 4375
For more information about this event, view our news release.