Third-Party Sponsorships and Sponsored Students
Sponsors can be government agencies, companies, First Nations/Métis/Inuit groups, or other organizations who are paying your student fees in whole, with limited exclusions.
If you have been accepted to study at Algoma University and you will be receiving funding to cover a portion or all of your educational expenses, including tuition and other fees, you are considered a sponsored student.
See Sponsorship Process to Get Started!
We offer numerous awards based on academic achievement and financial need to both newly admitted and continuing students. Please visit our website or email [email protected] for more information.
Additional Fees:
We make every effort to ensure your fees are accurate based on your course registration; however, it is your responsibility to ensure your fees are accurate. All fees not covered by your sponsorship are your responsibility to pay by the due date. To view your fees, log into your student portal and go to your account balance.
FNMI Students are exempt from the Bus Pass Charge:
First Nation, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) student’s are not subject to the bus pass charge. If you notice a bus pass charge on your account, please email [email protected] and we will ensure it is corrected.
Student Health Plan Coverage:
It is the student’s responsibility to review the details of their sponsorship carefully to determine if this is covered by their sponsor. Students with adequate alternative coverage under another plan, such as Non-Insured Health Benefits for First Nation and Inuit are eligible to opt-out of the Student VIP Health Insurance plan.
To learn more or to opt-out please visit the Student VIP website. International students looking for more information on UHIP please visit their website.
If you are a Status First Nation student, you may be eligible to access funding through your First Nation’s Post-Secondary Education Office, who is responsible for receiving and approving funding available through the Postsecondary Student Support Program. Check with your First Nation Education Office to make sure you have the correct application and deadlines, as it may vary by community. If you are not aware of your First Nation’s contact information, you can find it through Indigenous Services Canada.
If you are a member of the Metis Nation of Ontario, you may be eligible for post-secondary funding. To find out more about MNO programs and services, please contact: [email protected] or visit the MNO Post Secondary website.
Please note that third-party sponsorship applications are separate from the general university or college applications (and OSAP applications).
If you need assistance from Algoma University, please visit our Anishinaabe Student page.
Getting Started
Your sponsor will initiate the sponsorship process and c
onfirm your sponsorship completing the the below forms:
- A Confirmation of Sponsorship Letter and
- A signed Third Party Consent to Release Student Personal Information Form
The Confirmation of Sponsorship Letter must be on the sponsoring agencies letterhead and contain the following information:
- Student’s full name
- Algoma University student ID number
- Duration of sponsorship by term(s) or date(s) (maximum one academic year)
- What is covered and specific exclusions
- Sponsor’s billing address
- Sponsor contact information (full name, email address, telephone number); and must be submitted to the University directly from the sponsoring agency.
The Confirmation of Sponsorship Letter and Third-Party Consent to Release Student Personal Information Form must be emailed directly to [email protected] at least two weeks prior to the term’s payment deadline. These documents must be submitted by the Sponsor (on behalf of the student).
Financial Processing Guidelines for Sponsored Students
- Once a confirmation of a sponsorship letter is received by Algoma University, your account will be flagged to indicate you are a sponsored student in which a portion or all of your fees will be covered by a third party.
- The Student Account’s team will send an email to the sponsored student confirming that we’ve received their sponsorship confirmation and what fees the student will be responsible for. Any fees not covered by the sponsorship are to be paid by the student in accordance with the term’s payment deadline and are subject to applicable late fees. Students are responsible for paying their late fees.
- Processing of sponsorships and invoicing to sponsoring agencies will begin after the last day for a tuition refund of each term. This is to ensure accuracy of all invoices generated.
- Sponsoring agencies will receive individual invoices for each sponsored student with a total balance of students’ fees. These invoices will have an itemized breakdown of fees that have been invoiced to the agency.
- Payments should reference the student name and student number. If the sponsor is paying for more than one student it is important to include the amount related to each student.
Payment by Cheque:
Please make the cheque payable to Algoma University and mail to the following address:
Algoma University
Attention: Accounts Receivable
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6A 2G4
Payment by EFT:
Please email [email protected] to receive the EFT information.
The Accounts Receivable Officer will work directly with the Sponsor to collect payment for the portion they are covering
Algoma University has information on file about students that is available only to a student. This information can only be released with the student’s written permission as defined in the University’s policies and Freedom of Information and Protection Act (FIPPA). As a sponsored student funded for your studies by a third-party agency, you may need to provide your sponsoring agency with access to information from your student file, such as but not limited to transcripts, proof of studies, attendance records, financial statements and/or other official forms or documents. Typically, sponsoring agencies need access to this information for the purposes of verifying the student’s eligibility for sponsorship. However, your sponsoring agency will communicate with you directly about the types of information, the need for and purpose of accessing your personal information.
Prior to releasing student personal information to third-party sponsoring agencies, we require students to consent to the University releasing their information. Students can provide this consent to Algoma University in two ways:
- Use your sponsor’s consent form: Your sponsor may have asked you to sign their version of a consent to access personal information form. or
- Use the University’s consent form: Use Algoma University’s Third Party Consent to Release Student Personal Information Form. This form must be signed by the student.The University will provide requested records to sponsoring third-parties only upon receipt of the signed consent form.
Important Note for Students and Sponsoring Agencies
There may be instances where Algoma University does not record information about students that may be required by the third-party sponsoring agency, for example attendance records. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm with their sponsoring agency, before studies begin, what specific information the sponsor will require. The student is also responsible for making any necessary arrangements with the University to access the information required by their sponsor. The University is not obligated to provide records it does not maintain unless alternative arrangements have been made.
Students Resources:
For Student Account Inquiries:
Email [email protected] or stop by Student Success.
SSM: NW307 | BRM: Building D
Anishinaabe Students Resources:
Please reach out to the Anishinaabe Academic Success Advisor, Bonnie Gaikezheyongai at [email protected]. You can also stop by in person to SH314 or visit our website.
Sponsors Resources:
For Invoice Inquiries:
Please email [email protected].
For Student Record Inquiries:
Email: [email protected]
For Information Access & Privacy Inquiries:
Email: [email protected]
Sponsor Template
If your sponsor requires an attendance record and the University does not track attendance for your course(s), you may use this template to document your attendance. Please notify your course leader or professor of this request at the beginning of the course.