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Accessibility Services

The Learning Centre and Accessibility Services provides academic support to students with disabilities. Our committee is committed to making the university as accessible and integrated as possible.

We continue to to find strategies for achieving improvement and continuously review our Algoma University Accessibility Plan. By leveling out the playing field, and making learning and environmental support available to all students who need it, academic success achievement is guaranteed.

Set Up an Appointment

Jennifer Reid
Co-ordinator, Learning Centre and Accessibility Services
[email protected]
705-949-2301, ext.4221
Office: NW 302

Algoma University offers access to an on-campus physician for non-urgent medical appointments for Algoma University students (on the Sault Ste. Marie campus).  The clinic is by appointment only and is typically open once per week throughout the academic year. Wellness services (which can include counselling) can be referred to through Student Success Central, and are provided by a registered Social Worker if needed.

Sault Ste. Marie is a small, Northern Ontario community. There can be substantial waiting times for referrals and for access to certain medical care or psychiatric/psychological services. If required, please ensure that you have pre-arranged for any medical or psychiatric care that you require to manage your disability prior to relocating to Sault Ste. Marie.

The following is a list of Accessibility Services that are supported at Algoma University:

Mild Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is characterized by moderate changes in one, or all, of an individual’s level of cognitive, emotional, behavioural, or physiological functioning. These changes can take a number of forms, but will likely include a combination of:

  • Impaired memory
  • Trouble expressing thoughts
  • Decreased tolerance for frustration
  • A lack of emotion
  • The tendency to overreact
  • Depression
  • Impulsivity
  • Difficulty solving problems
  • Increased fatigue
  • Poor coordination of movements
  • Dizziness and loss of balance
  • Frequent headaches or nausea
  • An inaccurate assessment of ability
  • Poor judgement

The most common cause of ABI is a traumatic injury to the brain as a result of either a blow to the head or a violent whipping action of the neck. There is no such thing as a “typical” ABI; similar injuries may produce different effects in different people.

Some of the most commonly provided academic accommodations to students with ABI include:

  • Use of memory aids such as formula cards during tests
  • Provision of a note taker for lectures
  • Tape recording of lectures
  • Provision of written, step by step instructions when assigning work
  • Separate room for writing exams
  • Priority seating to facilitate attention
  • Break periods for rest and taking medication
  • Extended time for tests and exams
  • The use of oral exams in place of, or as a supplement to written exams

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can occur in three forms: the inattentive type of attention disorder, the hyperactive-impulsive type of attention deficit, and the combination type, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Between 30 to 70 percent of children diagnosed with these deficits continue to have residual symptoms that persist into adulthood, which impact to a significant degree, social, academic and occupational functioning. As well, in adults, other conditions often co-exist with attention deficits that include learning disabilities, as well as mental health issues including anxiety and depression.

Some of the most commonly provided academic accommodations to students with ADHD include:

  • Reduced course load
  • Provision of a note taker for lectures
  • Access to a computer to organize and edit assignments
  • Provision of extended time for tests and exams (usually time and a half)
  • Tape recording of lectures
  • Writing tests/exams in distraction free  room
  • Time extensions on assignments (to be negotiated ahead of time with professor)

The term “visual impairment” is used to describe a variety of problems with eyesight, from total blindness to variations of partial sightedness. Individuals with visual acuity equal to or less than 20/200 are considered to be legally blind. It is impossible to correct their vision by medical or surgical means or corrective glasses. The majority will rely on the use of dog guides or white canes to assist them, as well as the use of sound and touch. Partial sight is a category of visual loss that designates individual acuity levels between 20/70 and 20/200. Some can distinguish only light or dark or varying patterns and shapes. Many are able to read with difficulty.

Some of the most commonly provided academic accommodations to students with blind or low vision include:

  • Provision of extended time for tests and exams (usually time and a half)
  • Provision of a scribe/reader for exams and tests
  • Provision of a note taker for lectures
  • Provision of alternative format materials (AFM), such as Braille, large print, taped books, talking calculators, thermo graphic pen and paper, screen readers, text-to-speech devices
  • Specially arranged campus tours
  • Accessible computer software
  • Closed circuit television (CCTV) for print enhancement (if available)
  • Arrangements may be made to use tape recorders in the classroom
  • Enlarged text for tests and examinations
  • Zoom text available for the Library’s computerized catalogue of holdings
  • Optical scanner

Types of medical conditions having educational implications include chronic health problems such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, kidney disease, allergies, cardiovascular problems, cancer, diabetes, and AHIV infections, as well as respiratory and gastro-intestinal disorders. Many university students who suffer from these conditions have frequent absences due to the effects of medication, fatigue and pain.

Some of the most commonly provided academic accommodations to students with chronic illness/systemic/medical include:

  • Use of note taker and/or scribe
  • Allowance of break periods as needed for rest and taking medication
  • Ergonomically designed seating/furnishings
  • Alternative methods of evaluation
  • Provision of extended time for tests and exams (usually time and a half)
  • Allowances for absences for medical reasons (i.e. Rescheduling of tests or exams)

A deaf person has a profound hearing loss in which there has been damage to the auditory pathway. Most people use some form of sign language to communicate. The earlier the loss, the more serious the implications for a student’s education. Students who have acquired American Sign Language (ASL) consider it their first language and it is unlikely that they have a complete command of English, which would be considered their second language. It is important to note that their grasp of the English language is not a reflection of intelligence but is a reflection of their command of the second language due to their inability to hear.

Deafened is both a medical and sociological term referring to persons who have become deaf later in life. Deafened persons cannot hear what you say, but usually respond verbally in a conversation. They sometimes use interpreters, but more often request a computerized note taker.

Persons who are hard of hearing have hearing losses ranging from mild to profound. These students experience difficulty hearing and may wear a hearing aid to amplify sound. A hearing aid does not cure the loss, but assists in better communication.

Some of the most commonly provided academic accommodations to deaf, deafened, and hard of hearing students include:

  • Priority seating for students and their interpreter
  • Access to computer for note taking
  • Access to a computerized note taker or note sharer if necessary
  • Photocopy service if necessary
  • Provision of extended time for tests and exams (usually time and a half)
  • Access to an interpreter during tests and exams, to interpret questions
  • Use of sign/oral language interpreters for oral assignments
  • Access to assistive devices such as captioning devices, FM systems, TTY (if available)
  • Use of computer for completion of test/assignments
  • Reduced course load
  • Adapted methods of evaluation such as marking on content rather than writing style
  • Provision of advance reading lists, texts and content specific vocabulary

Every effort is made to provide students with learning disabilities the academic support consistent with their psycho-educational assessment profile. These may include:

  • Accommodations for tests and exams
  • Tutorial support
  • Microcomputer usage
  • Planning appropriate courses and course load
  • Academic skills support

Documentation of the learning disability, which includes a recent psycho-educational assessment and reports from high school guidance counsellors or previously involved post-secondary Disability Services is required.

  • Learning Strategy Support/Training
  • Adaptive Technology, Training and Support

Algoma University offers access to an on-campus physician for non-urgent medical appointments for Algoma University students (on the Sault Ste. Marie campus). The clinic is by appointment only and is typically open once per week throughout the academic year. Wellness services (which can include counselling) can be referred to through Student Success Central, and are provided by a registered Social Worker if needed.

Sault Ste. Marie is a small, Northern Ontario community. There can be substantial waiting times for referrals and for access to certain medical care or psychiatric/psychological services. If required, please ensure that you have pre-arranged for any medical or psychiatric care that you require to manage your disability prior to relocating to Sault Ste. Marie.

Generally, there are two types of physical disabilities that affect mobility: orthopaedic or neurological.

Some of the more representative disabilities are:

Orthopaedic Disabilities: involve a deformity of the skeletal system. The impairment can be the result of a congenital anomaly (i.e. club foot, Spina Bifida), the result of disease (i.e. Muscular Dystrophy, Arthritis) or the result of trauma or accident (i.e. Amputation).

Neurological Disabilities: involve the nervous system affecting the ability to move, use or control certain parts of the body. Such impairments can be the result of a congenital anomaly (i.e. Cerebral Palsy), the result of disease (i.e. Polio), or the result of an accident (i.e. spinal cord injury, heard trauma).

Multiple Sclerosis: is the most common neurological disease affecting young Canadian adults. It is thought to be caused by a virus or an immune reaction, or a combination of both. Symptoms vary, but may include visual disturbances, slurred speech, fatigue, paralysis, muscle tremors, impaired gait, personality changes, respiratory infections, loss of coordination, loss of balance, numbness or prickling feelings in extremities and general malaise.

Cerebral Palsy: is a condition caused by damage to the brain before, during or after birth. It is chiefly characterized by motor disorder. It is not progressive nor is it considered curable, although physical therapy can be helpful in improving comfort and mobility.

Spina Bifida: is one of the most prevalent birth defects causing physical disability. It occurs in the spinal column when one or more vertebrae do not close during prenatal development. The condition varies, displaying few to many consequences, ranging from mild to serious in nature.

Spinal Cord Injuries: are most commonly the result of trauma from sports related injuries and accidents. The spinal cord can be partially severed or permanently damaged by severe scarring. The degree of impairment depends on the extent and level of the damaged vertebrae in the spinal cord. Terms used to describe the amount of physical functioning that an individual may retain include, paraplegia, or paralysis of both legs, and quadriplegia, or partial or complete paralysis of all four limbs.

Algoma University is an accessible building to the physically disabled and mobility impaired. Specifically designed features and services include:

  • Electronically operated doors at all main entrances
  • A wheelchair route featuring magnetic doorstops allowing free passage by a wheelchair through the University
  • All floors can be accessed by elevator
  • Accessible washrooms
  • Classroom and seating modifications may be made on an individual request basis
  • Specially designed and furnished residences

Some of the most commonly provided academic accommodations to students with mobility/functional disabilities include:

  • Access to adaptive technology, assistive devices and/or a scribe or note taker
  • Allowance of break periods as needed for rest, taking medication and personal needs
  • Advance book/reading lists
  • Preferential seating
  • Provision of extended time for tests and exams, usually time and a half
  • Reduced course load
  • Early access to timetable for transportation purposes

It is recognized that certain medical conditions or any physical or mental illness may interfere with or hinder a student’s academic performance.

Students with any disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Office to discuss their individual needs. Every effort will be made to identify appropriate support services or make accommodations to meet the student’s individual needs.

If you are a student with a disability, or if you face academic challenges that you believe may be caused by a disability, you should register with Accessibility Services. We are here to support you and to provide academic accommodations.

In order to assist you with accommodation planning and implementation, Accessibility Services requires medical documentation from you which outlines your functional limitations as well as your areas of strength. Your medical documentation does NOT need to declare a specific diagnosis, but must indicate if a disability exists, the category or nature of the disability and if the disability is temporary or permanent. Your documentation should also outline your functional limitations, and make suggestions for the accommodations that would best support you.

When you register for our services, you will submit documentation from your physician and complete our registration package. Then, we will meet with you in person to discuss your needs and our services and orient you to the Learning Centre.

Contact [email protected] to inquire about registering with us. You will be sent a form to complete to register with Accessibility Services. The form tells us a little bit about you and your needs while at school. You will then complete the registration form and return it to us.

Accessibility Services will review your completed registration form and based on the information that you provided will then guide you to the specific medical documentation that you will need to submit to complete your registration. Documentation required is typically one of the following:

  • OSAP Disability Verification Form
  • Algoma University Confirmation of Disability Form
  • Psychoeducational Assessment

OSAP Note: For students with disabilities that will be applying for OSAP, please note that OSAP also requires documentation. Check the OSAP website for the newest version of the OSAP Disability Verification Form. It is frequently published late in the spring. When you apply for OSAP funding, you can indicate disability status on your application. You must then upload the completed, current Disability Verification Form to your application before it is processed. For OSAP purposes, students with permanent disabilities can be considered full time if registered in 2 (two) courses per term or 40% of a full time course load.

We suggest that students take all required forms to their healthcare provider in the same appointment.

Once Accessibility Services has received your Registration Form and your required documentation, we will contact you to arrange for an intake appointment. At this appointment, we will review your documents together, and discuss the academic accommodations that would best support you. We will also provide you with an orientation to the Learning Centre and teach you how to access our resources.

Exam Accommodation

The Accessibility Services Office offers special exam accommodation.  Exam accommodations are available for those students with a documented need and are determined on an individual basis. All students writing quizzes, tests, and exams with Accessibility Services must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct (PDF).

Special accommodations may include:

  • Extra time;
  • Writing exams in isolation;
  • The use of a scribe and/or reader; and
  • The use of a word processor with appropriate software and/or alternative exam formats.

Accommodation is a mutual process.  It is important for you to participate in developing and implementing the accommodation plan, and to be flexible in how your needs are met. There can be many solutions to different barriers to your participation, and we will work creatively with you to find the most effective, efficient, and equitable solutions.

Special accommodation requests are based on your disability and your individual needs, and should not be used only when convenient. If such a pattern does arise, the Accessibility Services Office will review your specific needs to determine if you are still eligible to receive this service.


Accessibility Exam Timings

There are set regulated times for students utilizing exam accommodation for final exams. The start time for accessibility exams are:

  • 9:00am exams begin at 9:00am sharp;
  • 2:00pm exams begin at 1:00pm sharp; and
  • 7:00pm exams begin at 6:00pm sharp.


Guidelines for Exam Accommodation

One of the key areas of accommodation for which the Accessibility Services Office is responsible for is the provision of special exam arrangements. Each year we set up and invigilate approximately 300 midterms and final exams. A set of guidelines have been developed and students must adhere to the guidelines or accommodations that are provided.

  • Students with documented disabilities have a responsibility to fill out the Request for Exam Accommodation Form and return the completed form to the Accessibility  Service Office (SH200A) once the final exam schedule has been posted. Please check deadlines for submissions for the Fall/Winter/Spring sessions. Students who do not submit a form by the deadline date will not be accommodated through the Accessibility Services Office. There will be no exceptions unless extenuating circumstances prevent the student from handing in their form. Please contact the Accessibility  Services Office should this occur. Accommodations for tests and exams will not be made automatically.
  • Arrive on time for tests or exams. Students arriving late will have that time deducted from their total writing time.Students must notify the Accessibility Services Office in a timely manner if they are unable to write their exam or midterm.  Students who do not show up for exams may be charged for proctoring (a fee of $40.00) if they have not contacted the Accessibility Services Office to cancel the special arrangements made.
  • It is the students’ responsibility to contact the instructor if he or she misses an examination.
  • Food, cell phones, textbooks, and/or binders are not allowed in the examination area. Beverages are allowed.

The OSAP DVF typically does not provide enough detail to plan accommodations for you thoroughly. If it is the only documentation that you are able to secure, it will be accepted by Accessibility Services, however accommodations may be limited due to a lack of information.

You are not required to register in a set number of credits to be a student at Algoma University. Many students with disabilities choose to register in a reduced course load. Please note that for OSAP purposes, students with permanent disabilities can be considered full time if registered in 2 (two) courses per term or 40% of a full time course load.

IEP’s are typically written by teachers, and therefore are not accepted as verification of disability, however they can provide us with information that is helpful in planning accommodations for you. Many students who had an IEP have also had a psychoeducational assessment (completed by a psychologist) and those assessments ARE accepted for disability verification.

Accommodation planning is a consultative process, informed and substantiated by your medical documentation. The university environment and resources available may differ from what you are accustomed to receiving. We take our guidance from your medical documentation, and then work with you to create an individual accommodation plan.

Examples of Accommodations:

  • Out of class testing
  • Extra time for tests
  • Note takers