Anishinaabe Students
Committed to Cross-Cultural Learning
With our Sault Ste. Marie campus located on the site of the former Shingwauk Indian Residential School, Algoma University offers a unique and historically rich setting for cross-cultural learning and community building, where Anishinaabe (First Nations, Métis and Inuit), Canadian, and International students and faculty learn from each other in a spirit of healing, friendship, and respect. This approach is emulated in our Timmins and Brampton Campuses!
Algoma University is committed to respecting the history of its campus as a former Indian Residential School, and honouring its former students, as well as their families and communities. Algoma U is committed to providing an educational environment for Anishinaabe students that is respectful, inclusive, and welcoming. In this commitment, we offer a range of academic and cultural support services for our Anishinaabe students of all ages and backgrounds.
Follow the Anishinaabe Academic Resource Centre on Facebook to keep up with all the latest news.

Voluntary Indigenous Self-identification
First Nation, Métis and Inuit Students
At Algoma U, ‘Anishinaabe’ is an inclusive term that recognizes the original people of Turtle Island – First Nation, Métis, and Inuit. We use the term ‘Anishinaabe’ to honour the Ojibwe language traditional to this territory.
Students can voluntarily declare their First Nation, Métis or Inuit status:
- When they apply through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC); or
- When they apply directly to Algoma U; or
- Once they are accepted at Algoma University, complete the Voluntary Aboriginal Self-Identification survey on their AU student portal at
Students will receive information about community events, academic workshops, scholarships, bursaries, employment opportunities and cultural activities.

Algoma U is pleased to offer residence options on campus for single students.

Within this section we detail tuition, deadlines, and fees for the upcoming academic year.

Financial Aid
We provide advice, information and support to students to help navigate the process of funding postsecondary studies.

Special Mission
Algoma University has been given a very special mission, one that connects to its place on this historical site.
Algoma University is committed to being a welcoming, inclusive, safe, and respectful learning community; one that values the opportunities to learn from and with students, staff and visitors from all parts of the world. This is what makes Algoma University such a special place.
Learn MoreIn 2006, Algoma University honoured and acknowledged this commitment by signing a Covenant with the Shingwauk Education Trust (SET). This Covenant, witnessed by then National Chief Phil Fontaine, among others, articulates a promise by Algoma University to support the creation of Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig (SKG), a sister-institution, which shares the campus and provides unique educational programming from an Anishinaabe world-view.
In 2008, the Ontario provincial government passed the Algoma University Act, which established Algoma University as an independent degree-granting institution. The Act stipulates that the University has a special mission:
- To be a teaching-orientated university that provides programs in liberal arts and sciences and professional programs, primarily at the undergraduate level, with a particular focus on the needs of Northern Ontario; and
- To cultivate cross-cultural learning between Indigenous communities and other communities, in keeping with the history of Algoma University and its geographic site.
Algoma University fulfills this mission and commitment in many ways. Anishinaabe people are represented throughout the University in governance, staff, and faculty. The Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre (SRSC) was established as a joint initiative of Algoma University and the Children of Shingwauk Alumni Association (CSAA). Algoma U has a high Anishinaabe student population, with 13 percent of its students identifying as Anishinaabe, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit. There is an active Shingwauk Anishinaabe Students’ Association (SASA) on campus, as well as an Anishinaabe Student Life Centre. The Anishinaabe Academic Resource Centre (AARC) provides academic and cultural support to Algoma U’s students. In 2011, Algoma University began the process of installing bilingual signs in Anishinaabemowin and English. Furthermore, Algoma U aspires to have some Anishinaabe content in all courses.
Meet Our Anishinaabe Initiatives Team
Anishinaabe Initiatives provides academic and cultural support to Anishinaabe students and Algoma U community members. In addition, Anishinaabe Initiatives delivers events and programming that helps Anishinaabe students succeed in University; while helping promote and celebrate Anishinaabe culture and practices on campus.
Anishinaabe Student Life Centre
Located in SH312
Gathering at the Rapids Pow-wow
The annual Gathering at the Rapids Pow-wow is a joint initiative of the Anishinaabe Initiatives Division and the Shingwauk Anishinaabe Students’ Association. Drums and dancers from the surrounding area gather in Bawating (Sault Ste. Marie) to celebrate the culture and pride that exists among the community and amongst Algoma U’s students. It is an opportunity for students to connect with the community.
Visiting Elders in Residence
This program is designed to provide support to Anishinaabe students. Elders visit the Anishinaabe Student Life Centre once a week to share their insights and wisdom and to enhance cultural awareness and sensitivity on campus.
Full Moon Ceremonies
These ceremonies are held once a month around the time of a full moon. Full moon ceremonies are open to all women. These ceremonies are offered in partnership with Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig.
Annual Elders’ Gathering
This gathering is a cross-cultural learning experience which strengthens the cultural identity of Anishinaabe students. Elders are invited to Algoma University to share their knowledge and wisdom.
Soup’s On
Once a week, the Anishinaabe Initiatives Division offers a soup and bannock lunch in the Anishinaabe Student Life Centre. This is a social event and is open to everyone.
Anishinaabe Speaker Series
The Anishinaabe Speaker Series invites Anishinaabe and Indigenous academe from other universities to speak to Algoma U students about their research. These researchers are role models for Anishinaabe students in the University and come from all fields of study.
Anishinaabe Inendamowin Research Symposium
Anishinaabe Initiatives and Anishinaabe faculty and staff at Algoma University and Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig are hosting the third bi-annual Anishinaabe Inendamowin Research Symposium with the theme “Weaving Meaningful Anishinaabe Research Bundles.” The purpose of the symposium is to enrich research through the integration of Anishinaabe Inendamowin (Inendamowin being an Anishinaabe word signifying thought). For more information, please visit our research section.
Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre
As a vast collection of documents chronicling the experiences of residential school Survivors, the Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre is one of the important ways we honour the history of our campus. Our staff, faculty, and students are actively involved in the process of collecting and digitizing one of the largest archives of residential school life in all of Canada, thus preserving the heritage of our location.
Shingwauk Anishinaabe Students’ Association (SASA)
SASA is an organization run by students for students, and works to ensure that Anishinaabe students’ voices are recognized amongst the Algoma U community.
Learn moreAnishinaabe Peoples’ Council (APC)
The Anishinaabe Peoples’ Council (APC) has a collective responsibility to represent the needs, and aspirations of the Anishinaabe people and Anishinaabe students at Algoma University.
Learn moreShingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig
The Shingwauk Education Trust has established Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig, which offers courses and programs of particular interest to Anishinaabe students.
Learn more