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Home of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar works to guide you through all aspects of the administrative components of being an Algoma University student. The Registrar’s Office is the first point of contact for AU students and we strive to offer an exceptional client-service approach to servicing your needs. 

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Office of the Registrar

E-mail: [email protected]

NW307 (SSM Campus)

28 Main Street  (D Building, Brampton Campus)

student raising hand in class
Our Services

The Office of the Registrar at Algoma University is committed to providing effective and efficient services to potential, new, and returning students.

Learn More
Meet Our Team
Student Smiling

Regardless of your academic background, our admissions advisors will work with you to evaluate your qualifications and find the right program for you!

student receiving diploma

Find out everything you need to know about the time and location of your graduation, as well as instructions on how to apply to graduate.

One on one meeting with student
Financial Aid

Learn more about fees and the financial aid, bursaries, awards, and work opportunities that can help bring your goals for a university education within reach.