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Anishinaabe Hunting Stories and Teachings with Brad Webkamigad

Time: Thursday, July 23, 2010 6:00pm to 7:30pm via Zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 898 2456 5032

Brad Webkamigad is a hunter-harvester, Ojibway Odawa Pottowatomi Anishinaabe nini. Brad has been an avid hunter for most of the last 25 years here in his homeland areas, originally from Wikwemikong, residing in Sault Ste. Marie. Brad will share some hunting teachings, stories and protocols he has learned from family and friends, he will demonstrate and discuss how he has fine-tuned his moose and deer calls. Brad will also demonstrate the different kinds of tools he has picked up along the way that help in hunting and harvesting. Hunting season is fast approaching! Come virtually join him for some helpful hints, share your questions and he will share what he knows.

Everyone who stays for the full event will be eligible for a Door Prize Draw!

Everyone one is welcome!

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Jul 23 2020


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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