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Impactful Giving Opportunities

Join the Algoma University community on a journey that impacts students' lives.

We work tirelessly to prepare our students for a lifetime of success by providing academic excellence and community partnerships.

Algoma University is committed to ensuring access to post-secondary education for all students. Through your support, we are able to provide students with financial aid through bursaries, award scholarships to students who achieve academic success, enhance library resources and fund varsity athletic programs. Our University continues to invest in capital projects that enhance the student experience and support special projects.

Algoma U offers some of the brightest minds in the world a chance to achieve their dreams of a university education. We are grateful for your interest in supporting Algoma University and making a difference in the lives of our students.


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Giselle Chiarello
Manager, Advancement
705-949-2301, Ext. 4125
Office: SH 304 (Sault Campus)
[email protected]

Logan Costa
Senior Development Officer 
705-949-2301, Ext.4240
Office: SH 304 (Sault Campus)
[email protected]

Pallavi Sathiskumar
Senior Development Officer
289-451-2522 ext. 3629
Brampton Campus
[email protected]

students and faculty sitting and talking
Donate Now

Asima Vezina and Dianne Marshall at event
Charity Events

student in regalia during convocation
Areas of Impact

student playing basketball
Varsity Giving

Student smiling with text
Student Testimonials


Donor Impact Report


Algoma University’s inaugural Impact Report showcases our heartfelt appreciation to all the generous donors who have unwaveringly supported us.

By investing in Algoma U, you are truly making a difference in students’ lives by reducing barriers and empowering them to become compassionate leaders, critical thinkers, and agents of positive change in their communities.


Meet the Team

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Have Some Questions About Giving?

We are happy to help with any questions you might have about giving to Algoma University. Please fill out this form, and our team will respond as quickly as possible!

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How to Give

Whether you choose to give by cheque, credit card, direct deposit or by establishing a monthly pledge, we have a number of convenient ways to help you make your gift to Algoma University.