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Music at the Rapids

The Algoma University Community is invited to a wonderful concert on Nov. 24, at 3:00 P.M. in Shingwauk Auditorium.

Each year for the past three years, Algoma University’s Dept. of Music and Visual Art has hosted the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association’s (ORMTA) annual Canadian Music Week recital, “Music at the Rapids”, featuring compositions by Canadian composers performed by talented young piano, voice and string students who study with ORMTA teachers in Sault Ste. Marie.

This year, we’re doing something quite different and special. In addition to performing their chosen musical selections, we’ve asked each performer to create a piece of visual art inspired by the music they will perform. Each performer’s visual art will be projected on a large screen during their performance. For many of the young performers, even though they have performed in recital before, this will be their first time producing formal visual artwork. Please come out and support these passionate young creators.

We would be delighted if you are able to attend. Adult admission is $10, while seniors and students are $5. Proceeds go to ORMTA student projects and scholarships.

This event represents the combined effort of White Pines Collegiate, Northern Arts Academy, the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association and Algoma University Department of Music and Visual Art. I am so pleased that Algoma University is once again hosting this fabulous event. This will be one of the artistic highlights of 2019 fall term.

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Nov 24 2019


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


$10 for adults, $5 for students


Shingwauk Auditorium
1520 Queen Street East
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