Spiritual Ceremony – Feast
“One of the beauties of our old teachings involves taking care of each other selflessly. The sacredness of giving used to be huge in the ways of my Ojibway ancestors. Feasting ceremonies are an integral part in many tribal cultures and it is through these teachings that we are providing this opportunity for anyone wishing to participate. The stress and anxiety that is caused by this present pandemic is key to the reason for making this food offering. What is being offered is an opportunity to contribute to prayer through the offering of sacred food and water.” James Roach
Through ceremony, our spiritual advisor and helper James Roach will be leading and supporting those of us who wish to participate in making a food offering and participating in a water ceremony that you can participate from your own homes on April 3rd at 11:00 AM.
For the women of our community, James has also asked that a teaching be shared about moontime and ceremony. As James has indicated, there are many teachings across Turtle Island among the many different tribal regions, for some among the Ojibway, our women have a beautiful gift, the gift of being able to bear life, to nurture life. Moontime (as it is often referred to) is a very sacred time and it is believed that women are in ceremony at that time. If you are on your moontime, James is asking you to share your intentions privately and refrain from making a spirit-feast plate until you are done your moontime. It is also important to note that this may not be your teaching,- if you are from another tribe or region, we acknowledge you may have your teachings around the sacredness of moontime and ceremony.
Full PDF of Ojibwe teaching here.