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Traditional Services

We are inviting AU students to make an appointment to see our Traditional Healing Elder from 10:00am – 4:00pm on Thursday Feb 13, 2020.
Gerard Sagassige is from Curve Lake First Nation with family connections to Serpent River. He has been assisting with healing work for over 20 years. He is a Midewiwin Lodge Member and has worked with many teachers through this travels.
Gerard is a traditional bundle carrier and some of the work he does includes conducting ceremonies. examples of his work include: sweat lodge, cleansing, wiping of the tears, mourning/grief, and cultural ceremonies including life ceremonies such as birth naming, puberty, partnership (wedding) and passing over.
-Abstain from alcohol/drugs for 4 days prior to visit
-Women on “moontime can be seen 2 days after moontime ends
To make an appointment, please contact Melissa at [email protected] (limited space available)

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Feb 13 2020


10:00 am - 4:00 pm
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