Each year, the Algoma University Thunderbirds Basketball program participates in ‘Shoot for the Cure’; an awareness and fundraising campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society. For an entire weekend, admission to both Men’s and Women’s games are by donation. Each game is dedicated to individuals in the community and Algoma University family touched by cancer.
Our 2020 campaign marks the 10 year anniversary of the event on campus and is especially meaningful. This year, AU campaigned in honour of the Belair Family. Richard Belair joined the Algoma U Information Technology Services team last year and has brought so much knowledge and kindness to our campus community. We were devastated to hear that cancer had seriously affected his family. Harrison, Richard’s 5-year-old son, was diagnosed with B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia in October of 2018.
“This event is always special to our team because we’ve all been impacted by cancer in some way,” shared Varsity Coordinator Rachel Johnson. “This year was especially meaningful knowing that we were making a difference for a child. I’ve watched what this disease can do to an adult, I have felt the fear that comes with a diagnosis and the unknown that follows. I know that no amount of money will change that for the Belairs, but I also know that every donation, smile and supportive word makes facing the challenge a little less daunting.”
This year, our community came together and was able to raise $6,750 and counting for Harrison and his family.
“I would just like to say thank you to Algoma U and everyone that has come together for us in our time of need,” shared Richard Belair, Harrison’s father. “This life-changing event would have been so much harder without all of your support.”
The emotional and financial impact of cancer on a family is drastic. If you were unable to attend the event and would like to support the Belair family please visit our GoFundMe page, which will remain open until Friday, February 14th.
Thank you to everyone for your ongoing and generous support of this important cause, and your support of the Belair family.
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