(BRAMPTON, ON – September 6, 2018): Yesterday marked a great day of celebration as Algoma University’s School of Business and Economics welcomed their initial cohort of students on their first day of classes.
In July, as part of a 10th anniversary celebration of their presence in Brampton, Algoma U launched the School of Business and Economics and began offering admission to eligible secondary school graduates.
“This is an exciting time for us,” said Cathy Denomme, Director of the School of Business and Economics. “In July, we launched the School and yesterday, we welcomed students into our expanded programs. We are thrilled to see the interest by the students in studying locally or coming to Brampton from abroad. Enrollment is healthy and there is a buzz on campus and an excitement by the students.”
Denomme is pleased with the fall enrollment numbers and the support received from the community.
The Algoma University School of Business and Economics is forecasted to a bring in upwards of 500 students to Brampton’s downtown within the next three years.
The School of Business and Economics adds to the buzz around new developments and the transformation of Brampton’s downtown core, particularly as it relates to new post-secondary options for students from Brampton and the Greater Toronto Area.
The Algoma University School of Business and Economics offers students Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Administration (with specializations in Accounting, Economics, Human Resource Management, and Marketing) and Finance and Economics. Graduates of the programs are well prepared to complete Chartered Professional Accounting (CPA) and Canadian Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designations. The School also offers a one year Post-Graduate Business certificate.
This week, students are taking part in a variety of Orientation Week (O-Week) activities designed to support their transition to university-level business studies while also providing them with the opportunity to meet their classmates. Students will also become acquainted with the student support services available at the University. O-Week activities include a scavenger hunt, pancake breakfast, and mixer with the Algoma University Students’ Union (AUSU) and the Algoma University Business Society (AUBS).
For more information, please visit www.algomau.ca/schoolbe or email [email protected].
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