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Business Model Canvas: Part Three of the IEC

YouLaunch presents the third workshop in the Innovative Entrepreneur Certificate: Business Model Canvas (BMC)

The Business Model Canvas is a tool for all business owners to use as a one-page template for your business plan. Developed from the idea of drawing on the back of a napkin the Business Model Canvas allows you to organize your business ideas into 9 clearly defined sections:

  1. Customer Segments: Who are the customers? What do they think? See? Feel? Do?
  2. Value Propositions: What’s compelling about the proposition? Why do customers buy, use?
  3. Channels: How are these propositions promoted, sold and delivered? Why? Is it working?
  4. Customer Relationships: How do you interact with the customer through their ‘journey’?
  5. Revenue Streams: How does the business earn revenue from the value propositions?
  6. Key Activities: What uniquely strategic things does the business do to deliver its proposition?
  7. Key Resources: What unique strategic assets must the business have to compete?
  8. Key Partnerships: What can the company not do so it can focus on its Key Activities?
  9. Cost Structure: What are the business’ major cost drivers? How are they linked to revenue?

This workshop will walk through the definition of all 9 sections and then put it to the test to draft your own plan. With the business advisory experts from the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre. This is a tool you can use over and over again and make edits to as your business grows. Always helping you see what is driving your business today!

Completing the workshop you should be able to have a clear focus on what is driving your business and a model you can share with team members and funders to get a clear snapshot of your business.

Two workshops with the same content! Choose the one that works best for you. Sault College Nov 16th 9am – 10am, Algoma University Nov 16th 12pm-1pm.

Join us even if you have missed the first two in the series, you will still learn all about this valuable tool!

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Nov 16 2018


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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Algoma University
1520 Queen Street E
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