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Asian Heritage Month

May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada.  The Asian Heritage Month was officially recognized by the federal government in May 2002 after the Senate of Canada adopted a motion proposed by the first appointed Asian Senator, Vivienne Poy in 2001. Asian Heritage Month acknowledges the long and rich history of Asian Canadians and their contributions to Canada’s rich diversity as well as provide the opportunity for Canadians across the country to reflect on and celebrate the contributions of Asian Canadians to the growth and prosperity of Canada.  Asian Heritage Month also provides the opportunity to reflect on the trauma and Anti-Asian sentiments that require a shared commitment in undoing systemic Anti-Asian racism and discrimination.

“This year’s theme Recognition, Resilience, and Resolve embodies the myriad of sentiments that peoples of Asian descent in Canada have experienced, and honours their contributions and diverse stories which are rooted in resilience and perseverance,” – Canada.ca

Algoma University acknowledges the many contributions that members of Asian descent continue to make on our campuses and in Canada.

Education, Awareness and Anti-Asian Racism Resources

As part of Asian Heritage Month, the Anti-Asian EDI Committee is organizing exciting events throughout the month. Join us May 26, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm on Zoom. We have invited a distinguished guest speaker and will also have trivia that focuses on education and celebration around Asian heritage. 

To participate and register for the event, click on this Zoom link.

We also encourage your participation leading up to the main event by liking, commenting and reposting our celebration of Asian heritage on social media for a chance to win a gift card! 

Keep an eye on social media for how to participate!

This link provides additional information and practical tools on anti-Asian racism. The EDI website details other information on month long events. Use this link to join the virtual proclamation at the City of Sault Ste. Marie City Council meeting on May 10, 2021.

Asian Month Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Jong Soue You

Dr. Jong Soue You is Professor Emeritus (Economics) at Algoma University. Dr. You obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of New York at Binghamton and taught at the Eastern Washington State University, before joining Algoma University as an Assistant Professor in 1971.

During his tenure, Dr. You served as the Academic Dean from 1997 to 2001 and Acting President of the University (1998). He retired in 2007 after 36 years of service and established the “Dr. Jong You Bursary” for Algoma University students. His publications include numerous articles in peer-reviewed academic journals.

He is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors of Shinhan Bank Canada in Toronto, Ontario.

The Algoma University EDI website details additional information on how to participate in this month’s Heritage contest as well other month long events. If you would like to participate in the contest and you don’t have social media, email your caption and photo to [email protected]

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